Meet Ashley
Hey there, Mamas!
I’m a wife to my high school boyfriend, a momma to 2 amazing kids a 11 year old boy and a 9 month old baby girl. Let me explain where this love and passion for helping others flourish in their health come from, I would need to take you back 10 years ago when I was facing my battle with my health. I was walking through a season of burning the candle at both ends and I wasn’t prioritizing my health. I found myself with severe stomach pains, getting sick and being tired every day. After some testing, my Doctor told me I was on the verge of having an autoimmune disease and that I needed to make some changes in my life.

After that tough discussion, I began making necessary changes in my life by removing toxins out of the body, reducing stress, and getting more sleep. As a result, I almost immediately saw my health begin to turn around.
I quickly began to share my story when I heard another complaint about similar symptoms. I realized I had some very good answers to the questions and frustrations they shared.
Fast forward several years. Life is great. My husband and I have our first
child, a sweet boy we named Caleb. However, at 14 months old, our son started having some unexplainable symptoms. He was lethargic and thirsty all the time…like, crazy thirsty downing bottles of water. I knew something wasn’t right. Within a few days, he became increasingly sick and was diagnosed with Type1 diabetes. After a week in the hospital, we were sent home to be his pancreas. We’d quickly learn that Type1 is an autoimmune disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin, a necessary hormone required to break down sugar in one’s blood. T1 is a life threatening disease that must be managed 24/7 to avoid complications, and insulin must be given by a syringe or pump daily, carefully, to survive.
Although I was completely in shock and devastated by this news, I also felt like I could do this. I had walked so many people through different health ailments they were facing. I set out to free my son from Type1 with a fire in me like never before. I began looking at his body like a complex puzzle and with every discovery or milestone, I could place that piece and be one step closer.
At first, I thought this was all about helping Caleb, but the more I researched the epidemic of autoimmune disorders in children, the more I realized the need for resources that empowered the parents of these children. What I was learning to implement in Caleb’s life and the tangible changes I was seeing wasn’t just for Caleb, but for other mamas too. It became a passion and a mission to help women and their children have the necessary tools so that they can truly Flourish in spirit, mind and body.
I don't believe you should have to have a medical degree to know how to care for yourself or your child's health. I don't believe getting healthy should be complicated and overwhelming.
At the Gut of a Mother we aren’t here to be the expert, but to help guide you so that you walk in full confidence and know that you are called by God to steward your health and to know, like and trust yourself. but more like a guide who perhaps has walked a few steps ahead but is on this journey with you.
Nice to meet all you moms! XOXO